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Land Surveyor In Arkansas


SEO: Land Surveyor In Arkansas | Millman National Services

Meta: Explore Arkansas land surveying, from digital plat archives to finding licensed surveyors and understanding state standards.

ALT Text: Arkansas bridge over still waters

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The profession of land surveying in Arkansas is a critical aspect of property development, ownership, and management. With a rich history of land documentation and a commitment to preserving the integrity of the U.S. General Land Office’s original corner monuments, Arkansas offers a robust system for accessing land survey records. The state’s Division of Land Surveys not only ensures the restoration and documentation of these historical markers but also upholds high standards for professional surveying practices. This article explores the nuances of navigating land survey records and the professional landscape of land surveying in Arkansas.

Key Takeaways

  • Arkansas provides a digital archive of over 260,000 land survey plats, making it one of the first states in the nation to offer such a comprehensive online resource.
  • The Division of Land Surveys in Arkansas is dedicated to the restoration of corner monuments and the establishment of uniform professional surveying standards, ensuring the preservation of the public land survey system.
  • Professional surveyors in Arkansas are required to adhere to continuing education requirements, and the state provides resources such as the Plat Viewer to assist both professionals and the public in accessing survey records.

Navigating Land Survey Records in Arkansas

About Plats and the GLO Map

When you’re delving into the world of commercial land usage in Arkansas, understanding the Plat system and the General Land Office (GLO) Map is crucial. Plats are the maps that detail the divisions of land, showing boundaries, lots, and other significant details that are essential for zoning and development purposes. The GLO Map, on the other hand, is a historical record that provides a snapshot of land status and ownership over time.

To navigate these records effectively, you’ll need to:

  1. Download the Plat Viewer, as it’s a prerequisite for accessing plats.
  2. Utilize the Arkansas State Land Survey Online Plat Retrieval System to find relevant land records, including flood maps, historical imagery, and zoning information.
  3. Perform a Section Township Range search for a comprehensive overview of the land’s legal description.

Remember, accurate survey records are indispensable for commercial projects, especially when considering zoning regulations and potential land use. If you’re looking to integrate modern survey techniques, such as drone surveys, ensure that the surveyor you engage is well-versed in both traditional methods and cutting-edge technology.

Accessing Digital Archives and Plat Viewer

In the realm of commercial land development and zoning in Arkansas, having access to accurate survey records is crucial. Arkansas’ digital archive of land survey plats is a treasure trove of over 260,000 records, essential for informed decision-making. To view these plats, you must first install a secured Plat Viewer. This tool ensures the protection of the surveyors’ work and prevents misuse of the documents.

To access the plats:

  1. Download the secured Plat Viewer.
  2. Navigate to the Public Plat Access under the Plat Menu.
  3. Use the Section Township Range search for a comprehensive lookup.

Remember, no plats can be accessed without the Plat Viewer. If you’re planning a project that involves drone surveys or requires a detailed understanding of zoning laws, these records are invaluable. For expert assistance, consider reaching out to Millman National Land Services for high-quality land surveys and plot plans using advanced technology. Their expertise can guide you through complex property transactions with ease.

Related: Plat Survey: How to Get One

Understanding Corner Search and Restoration

When you’re delving into commercial land development in Arkansas, the corner search and restoration process is a critical step to ensure your project’s success. Corner markers are the backbone of accurate land surveying, delineating the boundaries of your property with precision. These markers are part of the Public Land Survey System and are meticulously restored by professional surveyors.

To facilitate this, Arkansas has a robust corner restoration program, where surveyors are compensated for refurbishing or establishing updated monuments. With over 20,000 certified corner records in the archive, your commercial venture is safeguarded against boundary disputes. Here’s how you can navigate this process:

  • Utilize the Corner Certificates by County to find detailed documentation of corner locations.
  • Check the Corner Web Stats for the latest updates on corner restorations.
  • If you encounter any issues, the Division of Land Surveys offers resources and support.

Remember, ALTA surveyors must have proper credentials and adhere to state laws and continuing education. With the rise of technology, such as drone surveys, the importance of qualifications has only increased. Ensure your surveyor is well-versed in the latest techniques for a seamless integration of land survey data into your zoning and development plans.

Professional Land Surveying in Arkansas

Survey tool on a rocky mountain

Finding a Licensed Surveyor

When embarking on commercial land development in Arkansas, it’s crucial to partner with a licensed surveyor who is well-versed in zoning regulations and adept at utilizing modern survey techniques, such as drone surveys. Finding the right Arkansas surveyors for your project is a step you cannot afford to overlook.

To ensure you’re making an informed decision, consider the following steps:

  1. Visit the Arkansas Division of Land Surveys website to explore their resources and find a surveyor by county.
  2. Check for surveyors who specialize in commercial land usage and are experienced with the latest surveying technology.
  3. Verify the surveyor’s license with the Arkansas State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors to ensure they meet all state requirements.

Remember, a skilled surveyor will not only help you navigate the complexities of land development but also provide valuable insights into the potential of your property.

Related: How To Easily Get A Property Line Survey

Standards of Practice and Advisory Board

In the realm of commercial land development, adhering to the Standards of Practice is crucial for ensuring that your projects meet legal and professional benchmarks. The Arkansas State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors maintains these standards, which serve as a guide for licensed surveyors to deliver quality work that stands up to scrutiny. The ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey is a pivotal element in this process, setting the minimum standards for land surveys, especially in real estate transactions. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it plays a key role in uncovering potential land issues that could affect your commercial venture.

When engaging with land surveying services, consider the following:

  • Verify the surveyor’s license with the Arkansas State Board to ensure they are qualified to handle your project.
  • Request an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey to identify any zoning or land use restrictions that may impact your commercial property.
  • Explore the use of drone technology for a more comprehensive survey, which can provide valuable insights into the topography and layout of your land.

Remember, a thorough survey conducted by a licensed professional is indispensable for any commercial land development. It not only secures your investment but also streamlines the zoning and planning process.

Related: When to Use an ALTA Survey for an Acquisition or New Project

Continuing Education and State Requirements

As you delve into the world of commercial land usage and zoning, it’s essential to recognize the importance of continuing education for land surveyors in Arkansas. Staying abreast of the latest surveying techniques, including drone surveys, is not just beneficial; it’s a state requirement. Each state has its own set of guidelines, and Arkansas is no exception. To maintain licensure, surveyors must adhere to these ongoing educational mandates.

To ensure you’re working with professionals who are up-to-date with the current standards, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Verify the surveyor’s license and check for proof of recent continuing education.
  2. Look for expertise in drone technology, as it’s revolutionizing the surveying field.
  3. Understand that knowledgeable surveyors can navigate complex zoning laws, which is crucial for your commercial projects.

Remember, land surveyors measure and map land boundaries using physical landmarks. Hiring professionals ensures accuracy and legality. Understanding their role is crucial for property owners. When you’re ready to take your commercial project to the next level, seek out a surveyor who not only meets the state requirements but also brings a wealth of knowledge in modern surveying practices.

Looking for top-notch professional land surveying services in Arkansas? Look no further! Our team at Millman National Land Services is equipped with the expertise and technology to deliver precise and compliant ALTA land surveys, zoning compliance reports, and more. Whether you’re a property owner, developer, or involved in telecommunications, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t wait to ensure the accuracy and legality of your land transactions. Visit our website now to place an order or get a free quote!


top view photography of four heavy equipment on quarry at daytime

The role of land surveyors in Arkansas is integral to the preservation and documentation of the state’s land boundaries and history. With the Division of Land Surveys’ commitment to restoring the U.S. General Land Office original corner monuments and providing a digital archive of over 260,000 land survey plats, Arkansas stands as a national leader in the archival and preservation of the Public Land Survey System. The state’s dedication to maintaining uniform professional surveying standards and the public’s access to these vital records through the Plat Viewer ensures that both current and future generations can benefit from accurate and accessible land information. Whether for legal, construction, or historical purposes, the services and resources provided by the Division and the Arkansas Society of Professional Surveyors are indispensable to the state’s land management and development.